Pre-ordering for the iPad has begun, but the enthusiasm faded as Rogers released its iPad data plan rates. The disappointment over no unlimited data package could change if Bell or Telus enter the space.
Apple Inc. started taking online orders for the iPad through the Canadian Apple Store on Monday and Rogers Communications Inc. followed up by announcing iPad data plans that go into effect when the iPad starts shipping on May 28.
The good news is the month-to-month plans do not require a contact. The bad news is that none of the plans offer unlimited data usage.
Two plans were announced on the Rogers RedBoard blog: $15 per month for 250MB and $35 per month for 5GB. Both plans include unlimited, free access to all Rogers WiFi Hot Spots.
The plans do not apply to Rogers Wireless subsidiary, Fido Solutions Inc. The iPad will not available through Fido at the launch, states the post.
Rogers says the tablets are a new category of product and "it's too early to say if customers will use more or less data than they do for the iPhone," but the company remains optimistic that the 250MB/5GB plans "will be more than enough for virtually all of our customers."
99.8 per cent of iPhone customers and 95.6 per cent of rocket stick/embedded laptop customers use less than 5GB of data each month, states the post.
But if a customer does run over their data bucket, they won't get penalized with higher rates or additional fees.
"We have also structured our plans so customers never have to pay overage charges. If a customer runs through their data bucket before their month is up, they have the option of signing up for a new bucket and the month starts anew," stated a Rogers spokesperson in an e-mail interview.
Apple noted on its Web site that a $20 shared plan was also available from Rogers, but the note was made in error and removed. "The reference to the $20 iPad sharing plan is false and was incorrectly posted on Apple's web site," stated the Rogers spokesperson.
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